Elevate your leadership, or develop your key executives, with one of Brett's coaching programs.  Transform obstacles into opportunities and achieve unparalleled growth with personalized, seasoned guidance.


CEO Leadership Coaching & Executive Advisory Services

It's lonely at the top.  As a CEO, business owner, or high-level executive you need a confidential sounding board.  A professional 'go-to' resource who can help you lead from, and BE, your very best so you can deliver results that truly matter. 
Over the past 15 years, Brett has trained hundreds of professional executive coaches; and he's invested over 5,000 hours coaching and developing leaders to find their unique leadership voice.  Today, he works with just a handful of leaders on a personal 121 basis. 
The process begins with an intensive 6-month introductory period that most describe as transformational.  It continues from there on a month-to-month basis should the client wish to continue.


$25,000 for the first six months

$3,000 a month thereafter.
Or contact us to set up a payment plan!

xWhy Course Experience - Personal Coaching 121

Registered members of any xWhy Course, or Community Cohort Experience (Current course participant, community member, or xWhy course alumni), can personalize their course experience with the most cost-effective, private Zoom 121s with Brett.


$1,500 per session

Customize your experience with Brett.

Personal Retreat with Brett

Navigating a major transition in business or life and need clarity of purpose for the journey ahead? 
Come to beautiful Greenville, SC for a personal 121 retreat with Brett. 
Usually delivered as two half-day sessions (Afternoon & Morning) on consecutive days with a dinner on the evening in-between. Customized retreat formats can be arranged.



Or contact us to set up a payment plan!